Saturday, December 26, 2009

What is the best way to get an olive oil stain off my microsuede couch?

I tried warm water and soap. The water dried and the oil spots were still there. Help!What is the best way to get an olive oil stain off my microsuede couch?
I would try an upholstery cleaner. I have used Folex on my microfiber couch and it works pretty well. You may need to call a professional cleaner, though, if the stain doesn't come out. I have heard good things about that. You could probably get your rugs done at the same time, too, if they need it.What is the best way to get an olive oil stain off my microsuede couch?
Invite friends over and get that bread you dip in olive oil, and say ';everybody dip'; till its gone.
try bakin soda
You can try using Dawn or other dishwashing liquid, it might be too late since you already cleaned it once. Can you flip the cushion over?
oil spots are a ********* to clean I know I have It all over the fire place and still I have yet to find something but for couches it's different I reckon and there are so many products out there but try a little vinegar since they don't mix well in a bottle they wouldn't I'd say on the couch and take baking soda for a scrub if needed.. D a m those good old fashioned remedies do work for some things but if you don't succeed then it may be time to take it to the upholsters shop. you definitely don't want to go crazy with the products it may ruin the area even more.
Try scrubbing it with gentle soap.
I find baby wipes take out just about everything.
damn I think ur screwd

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