Thursday, January 7, 2010

Why does olive oil freeze in the refrigerater door when it's only 42 degrees in there?

It doesn't freeze as water does, it just gets very thick. Some materials are liquid at room temp and not at lower temps.

Why does Crisco become solid at room temperature when it is liquid at boiling water temp? Because some materials are liquid at room temp and some are solid.Why does olive oil freeze in the refrigerater door when it's only 42 degrees in there?
If it is truly frozen, then logic would dictate that your thermometer is probably broken.Why does olive oil freeze in the refrigerater door when it's only 42 degrees in there?
Who stores olive oil in the fridge??
it obviously has a higher freezing point than water. You are supposed to keep olive oil in the cupboard
does it? mine doesnt and my freezer is always on max cold..

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