Friday, December 18, 2009

How long can you keep olive oil before it goes rancid?

I know that olive oil does not get better with age, But how long can(or should) you keep it - opened and unopened? Is there any thing stamp on the bottle which will help me determine it's use by date? Is a year too long to keep unopened bottle?How long can you keep olive oil before it goes rancid?
A lot will depend on the variety of olive the oil comes from, the type of container and storage conditions. While having a sealed container will help a lot to add to shelf-life, so will cool storage temperatures and a light-proof container. See the first link.

The shelf-life for properly stored, unopened olive oil is 1-3 years. For opened oil, 15 months is tops.

According to Hormel, the second link, olive oil has the best flavor if used within a year of pressing and is at it's peak if used 2-3 months after pressing.

(The best storage is at 57F in a closed [tightly-capped or sealed] container made of ceramics, glass, porcilin, or a non-reactive metal in a darkened area. 70F works pretty well if it is a fairly constant 70F, especially in a tightly capped or sealed container and in a dark area. Don't store in a copper or iron container as there will be a chemical reaction between the metal and oil which could cause toxins to be produced.)How long can you keep olive oil before it goes rancid?
If it's in a cool dark place, I've kept mine (opened, but covered) for years.

If you pull it and it smells bad, that's something else, or if it pours discolored. If it's just cloudy, it might have been too cold, and warming it up will fix it, but I have a large can I've drawn from for a few years now and it's always been okay.

Heat and light are its enemies.
I buy a large bottle and pour some off for using into something smaller. Then I keep them both in the fridge. They solidify but the smaller one will turn liquid again when it has been out for a while. And being a small bottle it doesn't take long. I have a bottle in my fridge now that has been there a couple of years and it is still good.
The whole problem here is the part about the OPENED BOTTLE. You just don't know how much air born mold, mildew, or other micros may be floating around and landing into your bottle. I don't think the rancidity issue will get you but maybe a mold. The air around us is not sterile.
opened 8-10 months, unopened...10 years..?
olive oil doesent go bad!!! But you should replace it every year!!!!

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