Friday, December 18, 2009

Olive oil?

What is the difference between olive oil and extra virgin olive oil apart from the taste? Why is it dearer?Olive oil?
Extra virgin olive oil, the cold-pressed result of the first pressing of the olives, is only 1 percent acid. It's considered the finest and fruitiest of the olive oils and is therefore also the most expensive. Extra virgin olive oil can range from a crystalline champagne color to greenish-golden to bright green. In general, the deeper the color, the more intense the olive flavor. After extra virgin, olive oils are classified in order of ascending acidity. Virgin olive oil is also a first-press oil,

with a slightly higher level of acidity of between 1 and 3 percent. Fino olive oil is a blend of extra virgin and virgin oils (fino is Italian for ';fine';). Products labeled simply olive oil (once called pure olive oil) contain a combination of refined olive oil and virgin or extra virgin oil

It is more expensive because it is more refined.Olive oil?
Extra virgin olive oil is from the very first pressing. It has more flavor and is more desired which why it costs more.
Extra virgin olive oil comes from the first pressing of the olives and there is no refined oil in it (refined oil has been treated with chemicals, whereas unrefined oil is only obtained by pressing olives and with no added physical-chemical procedure. Refined oil loses a lot of nutrients during the refining process).

Virgin oil does not contain refined oil, but comes from the second pressing of olives.

The oil that you find in the shops under the name of olive oil is a blend of virgin oil and refined virgin oil.

The taste of olive oil only depends on the variety of the olives, on how ripe the olives were when they were picked and on the acidity of the fruit.

So, extra virgin olive oil is just better quality then the rest.
evoo ( sry to talk like that annoying ho racheael ray, but easier to rite lol) is made frum the 1st press, therefor having the most flaovr
extra is more refined

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