Tuesday, December 22, 2009

What is the best type of oil to use for cooking other than olive oil?

Im looking 4 a healthy type of oil 2 use 4 at home cooking instead of vegtable oil and i know olive oil is great but what else is the best after olive oil?What is the best type of oil to use for cooking other than olive oil?
Grapeseed oil, sunflower oil, or avocado oil are all good. They have very high burning temperatures. Canola oil is OK, but it has a low burning temperature, which means it isn't good for frying, and I don't like the taste. All three are healthy, and sunflower oil (safflower is similar) is probably the healthiest of all.What is the best type of oil to use for cooking other than olive oil?
Canola oil has a good flavor and is better for you than vegtable oil.
Canola oil can be used in sauting, as a marinade and in low- to medium-temperature stir-frying (it is best to use a different type of oil for high-temperature frying).
No doubt.Yes Olive is best and medicinal effect.No harm to health.If you want to change - go for Sun Flower Oil.Total fat free.
canola oil is good but it burns easy. also peanut oil. not as healthy. you can use a blend of canola veg. and corn oil its healthier than veg. oil
I use corn oil for most of my baking.
Sesame oil is fantastic for oriental cooking. Pour a little into stirfires once they are cooked (I prefer an oil like peanut or sunflower to do the frying) for a really nice flavour.
sunflower oil.
sun flower oil
I believe those are to two healthiest forms of oil, I use nothing buy Olive Oil.
Anything without Trans fat....
Safflower Oil!!! Rare, but there, on the shelf in the Wal-Mart!

(they have the best price on THIS commodity!)
sun flower oil,I have been used that oil for years.
Peanut oil is a very good oil to use and it gives the food a very good flavor.
canola is best for your health and is good for cooking!!!!!!!

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