Saturday, December 26, 2009

What do they put inside olive oil bottles?

I have seen many restaurants that put some king of herbs inside olive oil bottles... what do they put there?What do they put inside olive oil bottles?
rosemary and thymeWhat do they put inside olive oil bottles?
Olive oil and king of herbs
Olive oil and herbs...
Most likely rosemary. If you wanted to make them at home, you could use virtually any herb, many citrus fruits, and garlic cloves.
Yes da KING of herbs rosemary . Sometimes thyme or garlic also
You can add any herb you like to your olive oil or corn oil and leave it inside the bottle. it will add flavor to the oil.

You can use rosemary, garlic, powdered pepper, basil anything you like, mint, ginger.... curry....or any mix of herb/species of your choice. (ready to use mixes or just adding herbs or spices or both , that you like into the oil)

A good tip is cooking peeled garlics in hot oil (not boiling) until tender (may be 45-60mins) (no need to add salt or anything else), then u let the preparation cool and put it in an airtight container like a glass jar and keep it in your fridge (for longer lifetime). you can use your candied garlics to season meats (roasted, grilled....) or make a sauce with garlics (when cooked, garlics become sweeter and they are softer. This is especially good for people who like garlic but they feel sick after eating garlic seasoned meals. In this way they will digest the garlic perfectly. Then you can use the oil to season your salads or any other dish of your choice.

Another way of making garlic tastier and sweeter is by wrapping a garlic head into an aliminium foil and cooking it until tender. (u dont need to cook this specially, you can do this when using your oven for cooking some meat or pie or whatever).

When it is done, open the aluminium foil and press the garlic with your hands or a fork and you will obtain a wonderful mashed garlic. you can store it in an airtight container in your fridge for couple of weeks, and use it to season your sauces, or any other dish of your preference. You dont need to peel the garlic before cooking.
Herbs,spices and oil!!!!!!
Olive oil thyme and Rosemary and other herbs.

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